Here we focus on branding strategies and practices. We cover topics such as brand identity, brand storytelling, and brand positioning. These articles aim to provide insights and tips for businesses looking to build a strong and memorable brand that resonates with their target audience.

Keith Parnell

How do you spell that?

The very least you could do during a sales pitch is spell the company's name correctly.
Keith Parnell

Are you a tooter?

Let's commit to tooting the horn of at least one person in our work or personal lives per week. Just one.
Keith Parnell

Holy crap. No, really.

TikTok is going away and Meta still rules the world. What a shocker that the media could be wrong.
Keith Parnell

I need the chaos

Silence makes my mind spin without guidance. Music keeps my thoughts in controlled avenues. Chaos drives me.
Keith Parnell

Why would you want to do that?

Isn't it called a lock screen because it's locked, and meant to be locked?
Keith Parnell

Most Viewed YouTube Videos

Do you care and have you watched any of the most watched YouTube videos of all time?
Keith Parnell

Everyone’s a jabber

If you don't want or have the time to filter through all the jabs and dribble, be strategic with your audience.
Keith Parnell

Success does-not-equal Being Mean

Nowhere in my process does it take being mean to coworkers or partners to be successful. Understanding what makes your team tick is most important.
Keith Parnell

Are you creative or intellectual?

Life is not always either/or. If you're good at something, keep pushing. Don't settle with being good at just one thing.
Spider-man with the grandbabies

Do you know who you are?

Be strong in your own skin. Be the best you can be, and screw the nay-sayers.
Keith Parnell

Don’t fake it till ya make it

Great photography sells. Give it a fair shake to do its job properly.
Work - Life Balance

Work – Life Balance

When you love your work ... When you love your life ... Lines blur. Don't settle for being unhappy at either.
Bose QuietComfort® Earbuds

Football Coaches and their headsets

Most football coach headsets are ugly and goofy looking. Why not wear Bose QuietComfort Earbuds?
Keith Parnell

All due respect …

Have you done it? Have you been in the heat of battle? Have you had to make a business-breaking decision or one that affects many people's lives?
Keith Parnell

How hard do you work?

Do you compare yourself to your competition? Do you set goals that are far-reaching?
Keith Parnell

I don’t have time for that (grrr)

An immediate 'I don't have time to do that' just tells me that you don't see what I've asked will ever fit into your priority list.
Kickin butt at 94 yo is my deal

Kickin’ butt at 94 y.o. is my deal [video]

Not sure I want to live to 300 years old like this tree, but 94? I'll still be kickin' butt at 94 y.o.
Understanding people spawns a different perspective

Understanding people spawns a different perspective

When we deal with people we need to remember that we're dealing with people -- no perfection, very little consistency across personalities, and very tough to predict.
Do you understand your customer? Really understand them?

Do you understand your customer? Really understand them?

Identifying vs Understanding your target audience: psychographic research is a much more in-depth market intelligence step in today's marketing evolution.
Where do you get your creativity from?

Where do you get your creativity from?

When I look at one of my triggers of inspiration, I see the process. I see the bad ideas that led to these good ideas. This inspires me.
Zelle vs PayPal vs Venmo

Zelle vs PayPal vs Venmo

It looks like PayPal is going to be the winner for online transactions with family and friends. Of course for business, American Express wins, hands down! But on the casual, PayPal is the winner in my house.
Cox bandwidth

Shocked by the performance of Cox

The so unpredictable Cox internet strikes again. A couple of days of bad bandwidth and then, boom. Can't complain much about 557.73 Mbps. 😒😁💾

Did you know Family Viewing Hour was a real thing on television?

The Family Viewing Hour lasted all of 2 years. It was a policy established by the FCC in 1975 to keep television clean.
Freemium vs Premium, the fight for the almighty dollar

Freemium vs Premium, the fight for the almighty dollar

Somewhere in there is a cry to readjust the business model. Our customers will give us the answers. We need to be willing to listen.
Bose QuietComfort® Earbuds

You’ll thank me for your new Bose QuietComfort® Earbuds

Bose QuietComfort® Earbuds are a life-changer.