Here we focus on branding strategies and practices. We cover topics such as brand identity, brand storytelling, and brand positioning. These articles aim to provide insights and tips for businesses looking to build a strong and memorable brand that resonates with their target audience.

Oh crap, I forgot!

Oh crap, I forgot!

We've all taken notes in a meeting with solid intentions to circle back for the to-do list. And we've all forgotten at some point to complete the circle.
If it's only 10 minutes, can you call it casual time?

If it’s only 10 minutes, can you call it casual time?

How are you finding it to work at home? Does it work for you? Does it work for your boss?
That doesn't mean it's right

That doesn’t mean it’s right

When you find something that doesn't seem kosher, it's okay to doubt it. Sometimes you just have to trust your gut. Go for it. And don't look back!
Can Microsoft 365 help your Small Business?

Can Microsoft 365 help your Small Business?

There is a laundry list of tools we get thrown in our small business faces from vendors. But honestly, the useful software is a very short list. Microsoft 365 is in that short list.
Keith Parnell

Do you understand the ChatGPT and Blockchain technologies? [video]

In two years, I don't want to be seeing you in the same light as Blockbuster, Circuit City, Pizza Hut, and the Post Office. Stay current. Keep up.
Keith Parnell

Do you listen to FM Radio anymore? [video]

Are FM & AM radio stations going the way of Blockbuster, Circuit City, and the Post Office who didn't reinvent themselves?
Keith Parnell

Influencer-Schminfluencer. Don’t do it!

Under no circumstance should you ever listen to an influencer.
Keith Parnell

Risk vs Reward vs Risky-Reward [video]

How risky are you in business? Do you take that strategic gamble? Do you take a chance for the big reward of beating the next guy?
Keith Parnell

Why create more content? Does it help your business? [video]

Let my research, my ideas, and my experience influence your decisions only where you see them appropriate.
Keith Parnell

How to get shit done

The will to find an answer and having no fear of making a mistake, will help get shit done.
Keith Parnell

Can we learn a lesson from Spotify? [video]

Where do you sit with your business strategy? Brave? Progressive? Or perfect what you do best?
Keith Parnell

Life is all about learning from mistakes, right? [video]

When we do it wrong, the key to life success is to learn from our mistakes :: review, evaluate, plan, execute.
Keith Parnell

I’m gonna eat your lunch! [video]

Do you already have perspective on where your target audience can be best reached today? If not, beware.
Keith Parnell

There’s Trouble in Google Ads Town [video]

There's trouble in Google Ads town when their click numbers don't match actual traffic to the landing pages. Further research is required, but Google Ads dollar spend gets halted now.
Keith Parnell

Building brand with content [video]

Know the distribution technology so you can leverage its power to expose your brand as wide as possible.
Keith Parnell

Let me tell you a story … [video]

You don't always get what you want. Want a story?
Keith Parnell

Why did we ever put social icons on our websites? [video]

Why send traffic to the social communities that we've worked hard to bring to our domain? #questionthenorm
Keith Parnell

How did we get here?

How could anyone in their right mind think that any person of any gender or race that's equally qualified for a task should not be paid equally?
Keith Parnell

Pitchers & Catchers report this week

Do you rely on your biological clock or mental triggers to adjust your schedule and to-do's?
Keith Parnell

Say goodbye to Hollywood, Elon

I don't know of many clients that will choose to pay Twitter just to be able to send updates from their website to Twitter's timeline.
Keith Parnell

Billions and billions in search dollars

Each percentage point Bing gains with ChatGPT will increase Microsoft's earnings by $2b/yr
Keith Parnell

There is no Mt. Rushmore without Shane Falco

'Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory ... lasts forever.' Take it. Ingest it. Live it. And reap the rewards.
Keith Parnell

Videos vs Photos on Facebook

We all know that Facebook shows us what they want us to see, not what we want to see or what's newest / most recent on our timeline.
Keith Parnell

Who’s your go-to?

Do you have a go-to that you can pick up the phone to call anytime? Who is your go-to?
Keith Parnell

Miller High Life 1968 print ad

For an extra treasure of pleasure Miller High Life now in champagne gold cans.