I have things to say, and you’re going to listen 😁😂


Where has ‘the good’ CNN gone?

Remember when CNN was the king of the unbiased news outlets? Lesson-learned for them, leaning to one side hurts your business.
Keith Parnell

Working through a thought …

A bell is not a bell until you ring it. A song is not a song until you sing it. A thought, however, can grow forever. As do accomplishments fed by hard work as you've shown us for years.
Keith Parnell

Show your love

A bell's not a bell 'til you ring it. A song's not a song 'til you sing it. Love in your heart wasn't put there to stay. Love isn't love 'til you give it away!
Keith Parnell

Congratulations from Virginia House Transportation Committee Chairman on TDCHR Appointment

I received another very thoughtful congratulations letter, this time from Virginia’s House Transportation Committee Chairman Ron Villanueva on my appointment to the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads. I am very humbled.
Keith Parnell

Congratulations from Virginia Lieutenant Governor on TDCHR Appointment

I received a very thoughtful congratulations letter from Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam on my appointment to the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads. Thank you, sir. Again, I am very humbled. Commonwealth of…
Keith Parnell

Virginia Governor McAuliffe Appoints JASE Group CEO Keith Parnell to Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads

We are proud to announce that our CEO, Keith Parnell, has been appointed by Virginia’s Governor Terry McAuliffe to the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads. Keith will serve as the City of Norfolk’s Commissioner to the…