I have things to say, and you’re going to listen 😁😂

An Open Letter Addressing Gender Disrespect in the Workplace

An Open Letter Addressing Gender Disrespect in the Workplace

Uncover strategies for fostering workplace respect and equality. Empower employees, hold business owners accountable, and support inclusive business practices.
Keith Parnell

Spec lives. Do you buy-in?

When spec is defined as the mark of success as percentage points short of perfect, is that your target?
What does a 1-star Yelp review mean?

What does a 1-star Yelp review mean?

Know your audience. Know your Hvcce (tribe), those on the same journey. Work to please your tribe, not the critics.
Hangin' at the DMV

Hangin’ at the DMV

People watching at the local DMV is fun. There are a lot of unhappy people in this world. I wonder if I annoy them because I'm happy and smiling?
Light writing in the man-room

Light writing in the man-room

With the laptop in-hand and business news on the big screens, I'm attempting to zone-out for a while in the man-room. Where is your chill spot in your world where you can stay inside your own mind?
Color brings me happiness, calm

Color brings me happiness, calm

I love chillin' outdoors, and we love having color in our outdoor spaces. What gets you in the right headspace to bring out your creativity?
I'm glad you're here

I’m glad you’re here

Welcome to the KP Insiders community with over 10 thousand of my closest friends. I'd love to hear your feedback on my daily brain dump. Hope you're having a great week. Cheers!
Are you the smartest person in the room?

Are you the smartest person in the room?

Pushing your crappy, uneducated ideas on the team is not a roadmap to success. Hire smart people and let them do their job. Then, you'll be the best boss in the room.
Do you trust yourself?

Do you trust yourself?

I don't read reviews. I don't listen to unsolicited comments. And I don't allow comments on my blog. I trust myself. I trust my research. And I trust my small tribe.my
The perspective of Quantity vs Quality

The perspective of Quantity vs Quality

Quantity of effort versus quality of effort is a daily decision for us. Which is more important to you? It's all in the perspective, right?
Keith Parnell

Where are all the hustlers?

Reaching the right kind of success is a long-game. Hustle works if you only care about tomorrow. Plan - Execute - Reevaluate works if you care about next year, and the year after, and the year after.
Keith Parnell

I have time for this, not that

I will be here for the conversation, not there. I don't have time to be good, really good, great at this when I need to sacrifice brain cells over there. I'm a storyteller. I'm telling stories at keithparnell.com
Keith Parnell

I have a question

We'll have a great conversation after I ask you a question when you ask me a question. Yes. Questions.
Keith Parnell

Do you fear acknowledging that you don’t know?

It's okay to not know every answer to every question. It's okay to not be the smartest person in the room. For me, the right answer is, 'What a great question! I'll find out the answer and then follow-up with you.'
Keith Parnell

Am I under informed?

The key to the success of my process is to be acceptable to various viewpoints. Good views. Bad views. Right views. Wrong views. All help in shaping my final perspective.
Keith Parnell

Is trust a necessity?

If we can't trust those we spend time with, how can we live a peaceful life? If we can't trust those we do business with, how can we have a civilized society?
Keith Parnell

Diggin’ Seth today

I love listening to Seth. He resets my brain back on the right track. How do you reset? 
Keith Parnell

But I don’t want to play by the rules

I want to do things my way. I don't want to play by the rules, your rules.
Are you an angry restaurant owner?

Are you an angry restaurant owner?

With no friends in the restaurant industry, your island could get small.
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Casual & Normal. They're just real people

Casual & Normal. They’re just real people

People always want to hear from you, and about you. Take 30 seconds to talk about your business.
That doesn't mean it's right

That doesn’t mean it’s right

When you find something that doesn't seem kosher, it's okay to doubt it. Sometimes you just have to trust your gut. Go for it. And don't look back!
Android Update Loses Contacts

Android Update Loses Contacts

Occasionally, I lose contact names in (text) Messages on my Samsung Galaxy S21. Does this happen to you when Samsung runs the auto updates?
KPIL, The All-In-One Productivity Platform

Human-centered design: An Exceptional User Experience

The KPIL Intranet's streamlined design provides instant access to content and eliminates visual distractions for better concentration.
Keith Parnell

Do you listen to FM Radio anymore? [video]

Are FM & AM radio stations going the way of Blockbuster, Circuit City, and the Post Office who didn't reinvent themselves?