Quick-n-Dirty Do’s & Don’t’s for Social Media Marketing
The social communities have provided a nice venue for us to help bolster our brand at relatively low cost. And some brands have done a great job with quality photography and on-point messaging speaking to their customers’ needs.
Here are a few do’s to follow for your brand:
Keep an eye on your communities and engage with your followers. Your social media marketing strategy should hinge on conversations and collaboration. Purchasing decisions can be influenced with positive, quick responses.
Use quality images in your posts. You are talking to humans, and humans are intrigued by catchy photos. You stand a higher chance of catching their attention with high-quality imagery.
Test various article types. Videos, photos, text, and infographics draw attention from different brains. See what works for your target audience.
Here are a few don’t’s to follow for your brand:
Don’t get involved in political conversations. There’s a time and place for everything. Unless you’re a political figure, Switzerland is probably your best ally. Stay neutral.
Check your grammar and spelling. No one is perfect, but use the tools at-hand. MS Word, WordPress, and Buffer all check for errors and make recommendations. Be aware so your audience is attracted to your messaging.
Stay away from bad news. There’s no reason to draw attention to and no one gains from exploiting other people’s or brand’s misfortune. It just makes you look bad.
These lists could go on forever. The bottom line is to just use your commonsense when talking to the public. We want them to like you, be attracted to you, and be willing to spend their hard-earned money with you. Let’s have more conversation about your social media marketing. I’m available to chat.
Anyone can reach out to me and get my help. DM me at @keithparnell
Keith is an accomplished keynote speaker, educator, and business consultant. His blog, KP Talks, at keithparnell.com is praised as one of the top marketing and technology blogs in the industry.
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[…] this age of sprouting social media, social networks and easy-to-use social communities, are we really practicing what we preach? Do we […]
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