Tag Archive for: podcast

Keith Parnell

Do you listen to FM Radio anymore? [video]

Are FM & AM radio stations going the way of Blockbuster, Circuit City, and the Post Office who didn't reinvent themselves?
Keith Parnell

Who has time to listen to podcasts anymore?

If I listen to your podcast, and the person's next to you, and the person's next to them, and the person's next to them, who's going to get all the work done?
Are you serious?

Are you serious?

Being serious in my marketing world, means that I set goals. I study to understand people. I plan. I execute. I measure effectiveness. I Adjust and Reload.

Depth and length of podcasts

Where do you sit on podcasts? I have a couple in my gallery that are over an hour each week. But then I have others that I can consume inside of 15 minutes each. I think I prefer the shorter podcasts so that I can listen to multiple storytellers…