Tag Archive for: KP Talks

They make us better people!

They make us better people!

I dare you to watch this one and try to not shed a tear. "Poppie, you need to wear your seatbelt because I would die for you."
Think with Google

How 3 top brands transformed their video ad strategies

A return to the TV screen is hardly a return to traditional media. In the U.S., the number of people who streamed YouTube or YouTube TV on their TV screens in December 2020 increased by 20% from the start of the year. According to Brian Albert,…
Keith Parnell

A different perspective

Because I have on a Cogans Pizza t-shirt in my Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter profile, each post I make on all those communities is a mini-ad for Cogans. Spreading the love organically ...
prism goggles at concert

Market Intelligence. Is yours?

Consumer patterns can be gleaned from the right studies with the right questions of the right people, our customers and lost customers - market intelligence.