Why Small Eateries Are Prime Targets for Hackers
CybersecuritySmall restaurants are prime targets for cyberattacks. Learn why hackers focus on locally-owned eateries and discover essential cybersecurity tips to protect your business.
Why AI is Essential for Modern Restaurants in Hampton Roads
Artificial IntelligenceAI is revolutionizing restaurants in Hampton Roads by personalizing dining experiences and setting new standards for customer satisfaction and loyalty.
What does it mean to be a software architect?
Brain DumpIf you're a free thinker that can match business requirements to a technology solution, you're half way there.
What is in the Senate’s Infrastructure Bill?
Family & Friends, CommunityThe United States Senate is expected to pass a $1 Trillion infrastructure bill this week. Among many other initiatives, here's what's in the bill:
$110 billion for roads and bridges
$73 billion to modernize the nation's energy grid
Your brand will thank you for networking in-person
Digital MarketingIf you breakdown what social networking actually means, you'll understand that the platforms on the internet are just that -- platforms. Think of your community as another platform, one that you can't afford to forget that can gain you exposure that you'll never get on the internet.
I’m all yours, for one hour [video]
Digital MarketingDo you ever wish you could just pick up the phone and call somebody or hit a button on your laptop and zoom somebody to ask them questions?
'How did you do that?'
'How did you make that happen for your business?'
'What's your success story?'
Tips for marketing your Real Estate Team
Digital MarketingThere are so many great ways to effectively market your real estate team, even if you're a team of one. There are smart ways to touch your target audience. Here are a few from my bag of tricks.
Creating a website is the perfect place to start.…
Facebook Ads for your restaurant, oh boy, where to start
Digital MarketingHere are a few tips that will help your restaurant fight through the clutter and compete with the other 45M+ Facebook Business Pages.
People actually read your outdoor signage, ya know [video]
Brain DumpThere's an art to putting yourself in the mindset of your customer. Know your audience. Let technology help do the work for you.
Blogging is good. I promise.
Digital MarketingYes, blogging can be time intensive and addicting if you get the fever. But what better way is there to build your web of trusted individuals and organizations?
Is your Facebook (Business Page) blowing-up your frustration level? [video]
Brain DumpOverall traffic is down. Individual article views are down. Comments are down. There’s a reason for that, says Facebook.
Stay true to your ideas
Brain DumpMost times the marketing and execution are bad, not the idea.
Getting started in Sports Marketing
Digital MarketingWhen you’re truly tired of losing and not getting noticed, give me a shout. Let’s get your team on the right track.
Real-time Marketing Consulting, one-on-one with my full attention [video]
Digital MarketingLet's line up a time so you and I can chat. I'll answer any questions you have on your business. Need assistance with establishing your brand? Need advice on understanding how to measure the success of your advertising dollars? Through the magic…
Restaurants can learn from the Starbucks experience
Digital MarketingYes, your food must taste delicious. Yes, your menu should make your customers' mouths water. But service, experience, and culture are number one (two & three).
Cheat Sheet for your Restaurant’s Digital Marketing
Digital MarketingBoost your restaurant's online presence with our comprehensive digital marketing cheat sheet! Maximize social media, SEO, and more for delicious results.
Welcome to keithparnell.com! [video]
Brain DumpThanks for visiting me at keithparnell.com. I'm really excited you're here. Feel free to look around at the types of services and clients I have fun with every day. I love understanding your activities, understanding your target audience, and…
Technology is our future, geolocation this time
Digital MarketingEven the most non-tech segments can, and should, find a way that technology can make them more efficient. Ex: location-specific advertising accounts for over 45% of all mobile ad spending.
Marketing Strategies to Engage Technology Decision-makers
Brain DumpWe should look for marketing strategies that engage decision-makers by proving that we understand what challenges their target industry faces.
What is BoomerX Media? [video]
Brain DumpWhat is BoomerX Media? A team of Baby Boomers and GenX'ers that know more about Millennials and GenZ'ers than they do. How they act, what they like, where they play, and where they spend their money. You want BoomerX Media on your team. Let's…
What generation are you?
Digital MarketingWhere are you on the generation spectrum? Baby Boomer? Gen X? Millennial? Gen Z? What generation are you?
Our customers’ buying habits
Brain DumpUp-close observations can't be replaced. Study their habits. Recognize their likes and dislikes.
Internal communication drives consistent brand identity
Brain DumpSuccessful marketing departments educate all teams in the company with customer touch points on brand positioning and consistency. Internal communication is critical for overall business success.
Your small business needs help now
Digital MarketingThis is an ugly time right now for local restaurants and essential businesses. But what it is not, is time to stop marketing and advertising.
The unreliability of SEO certifications
Digital MarketingSEO certifications are not the tie-breaker. Get real-world experience. Understand the SEO world. Then come back with a vengeance.
Have you forgotten email marketing?
Digital MarketingWe know when you're most likely to be thinking about treating yourself. Our experience shows that ~25% of emails are opened within the first hour of them being received.
iPhone Camera Tips from experience
Business TechnologyI'm loving the iPhone camera tips and tricks from David on @Forbes. Some obvious. Some not so obvious. All useful.
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Yes, tweet editing please
Digital MarketingYes, I vote yes for tweet editing. Even within a 30-second window, this would satisfy my biggest complaint about twitter. @socialmedia2day : "a 5-second to 30-second delay in the sending"[visual-link-preview encoded="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"]#CMO…
Smart Talk around Smart Cities
Brain DumpTaking responsibility for the future with Smart Cities has a nice ring to it.
Mobile-Optimized Website should be top priority
Brain DumpMobile-first is so important when designing the perfect customer experience. "...companies need to optimize their websites for mobile rather than simply shrinking their desktop design for a smaller screen." via @forbes[visual-link-preview e…
It’s a Bus & Bean Coffee kinda day
Brain DumpI'm starting my day of right with our buds at Bus & Bean Coffee. This dark roast from Honduras was just what I needed this morning. Have you ordered yours yet?
Cheesesteak Freaks at East Side Pizza
Family & Friends, CommunityGot to hang with the #cheesesteak #freaks tonight at one of our top 3 cheesesteak joints in #hamptonroads.After 21 months of touring, the top 3 list is pretty solid: Philly Style Steaks & Subs, Major Phillie Cheesesteaks, and East Side …