Successful Real Estate Marketing Ideas
The right marketing plan plays a major role in the success of your real estate business. Throwing mud on the wall to see what sticks is not a productive way to spend your valuable marketing dollars. Let’s walk through a few ideas to get you started. If you have questions or need more details, feel free to reach out.
- Create a website. We all know how powerful Google is and its influence on our digital lives. You need a website, a powerful website that includes active home listings, client reviews, and a solid industry-related biography. Don’t be cheap with your website. Your 18-year-old is not the design solution. Hitch your wagon on a professional that understands the marketing and sales process and how clients think.
- Build a blog. You need a place to talk, a place that’s yours on your website. Be creative with your blog posts — top 5 tips, videos, and infographics fall into that category. Placing a priority on two things here is imperative: 1) make sure you’re talking to your (potential) clients; and 2) lean on solid search engine optimization strategies. You want Google to find your work, all of it, to make sure you show in client search results on their iPhone and laptop.
- Develop email marketing campaigns. Email rules. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Reliable data shows us the inbox is, in most cases, more often viewed and more influential than any social community. Send a monthly recap of your blog content to your curated email list. Send new listings to potential clients that would be interested. Links to your video blog posts are a very successful way to draw attention to your listings.
- Run paid Instagram ads. This seems obvious, right? But most real estate agents don’t bother because they think posting to Instagram is enough. It’s not. Check out the video here on the ongoing algorithm changes that penalize you. Paid social ads allow you to target people in the community that may not even know you exist. Experiment and see how it goes. And remember, be creative.
- Make your own videos. The power of video on the internet is no secret. It draws attention that text on a screen does not. We know that. But don’t let it scare you. Recording a quick 15-second video on your phone of your listing or you standing on a bridge over a creek talking about your day’s walk-throughs, is gold. People love that. People = Potential Clients. Just do it.
Let’s come up with a successful marketing plan for you to follow. You’ll be sure to stand out in the crowd.
Anyone can reach out to me and get my help. DM me at @keithparnell
Keith is an accomplished keynote speaker, educator, and business consultant. His blog, KP Talks, at is praised as one of the top marketing and technology blogs in the industry.