Human-centered design: Your Digital Employee Experience Strategy
Employee experience (EX) is a term that has long been used to describe how satisfied employees are with their day-to-day lives at work. But with remote working trends on the rise, there’s a new topic being discussed — Digital Employee Experience (DEX). As more companies go virtual, adapting employee experience strategies for the digital workplace can make the difference between success and failure as an organization.
According to HR Technologist, employee experience can be defined as the cumulative impact of employee interactions with the organization across their entire professional journey from onboarding and training to upskilling, promotions, and offboarding. A good digital workplace employee experience definition, then, simply takes these interactions and examines them through the lens of the digital tools employees interact with at work every day. The digital employee experience might include the online application process for prospective employees, the specific programs that are part of their workflow, and the corporate intranet that houses them.
A study by the Harvard Business Review identifies three key environments in which the employee experience take place: Cultural, Physical, and Technological. All three of these environments are equally important in creating a positive employee experience. And despite what you might think, the digital employee experience affects each of them — not just the technological environment. With the explosion of remote working, this has become especially true. The lines drawn around the digital workplace have never been more blurred. Technology is no longer its own aspect of employee experience but is instead deeply integrated into every step of the process.
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