Human-centered design: Why digital workplace employee experience matters

KPIL: Your Digital Employee Experience Strategy

If your organization is struggling in areas such as digital transformation and employee engagement, the missing puzzle piece could be an employee experience strategy. CIO Magazine calls it the digital transformation linchpin, citing data that links a better employee experience to more successful digital adaptation. As we’ve discussed before, digital transformation is an entirely human-centric process; any digital initiative that fails to prioritize employee experience is likely to end with poor adoption.

The link between employee experience and employee engagement should also be clear, yet the Harvard Business Review study found that only 6% of companies invest in all three of the employee experience environments. Yet the ones that do have overall higher profitability, better productivity, and happier employees. They’re also 28 times as likely to make the Fast Company Most Innovative Companies list and 11.5 times more likely to be included in Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work.

This is why it’s more important than ever to choose a digital workplace that gives you full control over aspects like branding and customization. The KPIL Toolset does all this without any complex setup or coding necessary. Simply drag and drop the features you want, choose your design, and you’ll be ready to implement your new digital workplace. For a more detailed look, sign up for your Free Trial of KPIL today.

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