How much do gummies cost?

How much do gummies cost?

Gummies. Yeah, those gummies. How much do they cost? I can tell you first hand, they cost us almost $700.

We almost lost our little guy earlier this week when he stumbled across some idiot’s gummies that fell out of their pocket in the neighborhood.

Our 11 lb pup spent 8 hours at the emergency vet hanging on for his life with THC poisoning. The overdose was quite frightening for us.

We’re now four days into this ordeal, and he’s still not normal yet. He is finally getting his energy back, but the gremlins (he jumps for no reason) are kicking his butt.

I really don’t expect the responsible person to step up, but I do want the message to get across that if you’re handling things like this, please be careful.

You live in a society where we all have to depend on each other to do the right thing. That would be a good start to making us all better neighbors.