Human-centered design: Open Platform Intranet
Every product has an ‘extensibility’ story to tell. There is not one intranet product on the market that addresses every single need for every organization. There needs to be a way to engage your IT department to build and extend the chosen intranet platform to meet company needs. Consider which product best complements your internal resources skill set. Ultimately, your organization should own the direction and evolution of a product. If you lack the internal skills to extend the product, it can become quite costly extending beyond the KPIL system.
It is critical for all organizations to review and understand how these different points impact their company strategy. Careful consideration will better align your organization strategy with key technologies and the best intranet provider for your project. Once you have an aligned strategy, you will be able to focus on use cases, features and functionality to identify providers that are a good fit but more importantly align with your strategy. For a more detailed look, sign up for your Free Trial of KPIL today.
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